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Graduate assistantships are available to both doctoral (PhD) and master's students in the department. 

Graduate assistants receive a tuition waiver and a stipend for the academic year. The stipend is paid in 10 installments across the fall and spring semesters. Students with an assistantship receive a tuition waiver but no stipend for summer terms. The master's level assistantships pay a minimum stipend of $9, 500 dollars per academic year. The PhD level assistantships include a minimum stipend of $16,500 per year.

Students with assistantships are assigned 20 hours of work per week in the department during regular semesters and 10 hours per week during the summer. GA duties may include working in the departmental or clinical office, teaching undergraduate classes, serving as a teaching assistant to a faculty member or functioning as a research assistant. The department funds approximately 20 students across both graduate programs.

The application for an assistantship is located on the Graduate School website and should be returned to the Graduate School once completed. Deadlines to apply for assistantships and other awards are noted on the Graduate Schools website ( Funding opportunities are listed under the Prospective Students tab. Once the assistantship application is on file in the Graduate School, students will be automatically considered for GAs within the Department of Communicative Disorders. Students can also apply for positions in other departments and offices across the campus. You may apply for an assistantship at the time that you apply for admission or at any time after that. For CODI department assistantships, it is recommended to complete the assistantship application at the same time as you apply for admission. 

Several University Fellowships are also available to students across campus.  They are awarded on a competitive basis and can also be found on the Graduate School’s webpage.