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ISMBS 2022 Program

US Central Daylight Time (CDT)
World Clock: Lafayette, Louisiana - Pick your City

Program at a Glance:  PDF
Full Program:  PDF     


POSTERS were published online as per program slot

Oral presentations
18 minutes (15 minutes talk, 3 minutes Q&A)
2 minutes to allow time between presentations

Poster presentations 
8 minutes each
Posters in pdf will also be displayed online during the entire poster session

Hybrid Event Rules/Guidelines

In-Person Meeting Information

Doris B. Hawthorne Conference Room (236B)
Burke-Hawthorne Hall
Campus Map
Visitor Parking: Instructions, Code in conference materials
Symposium Dinner: April 7th
Lunch: April 6th-8th

Virtual Meeting Platform:  Zoom
A zoom account is not needed to join the virtual meetings
Links will be posted here
Passcodes will be emailed

Zoom Familiarization Session
Monday, 4th April

ISMBS 2022 Participation Certificates
Certificates have been emailed.